Trip dates 23.Jan 2025
12.Feb 2025
Duration1/2 dagur
DifficultyHentar fyrir alla
Yfirlit námskeiðs
Námskeiðið er hugsað til að auka vitund með því að fara yfir þá ótal þætti sem við þurfum að þekkja og skilja áður en haldið ef af stað til fjalla, hvort sem er gangandi, á skíðum eða snjósleðum. Fyrirlesturinn er hálfur dagur og mun varpa ljósi á nauðsyn þess að þekking á hinum ýmsu hættum sem fylgja því að ferðast um snjóflóðalandslag.
Fyrirlesturinn er innandyra og hefst kl 17.00 og endar ekki seinn en kl 21.00
Fyrirlesturinn mun innihalda eftirfarandi atriði:
Í lok námskeiðs ættu nemendur að hafa öðlast skilning á helstu hugtökum í snjóflóðafræðum, hvernig velja skal öruggara landslag, lesa úr snjóflóðaspá veðurstofunnar og auka skilning sinn á aðferðum til að lágmarka eigin áhættu í fjalllendi að vetri til.
Hægt er að taka þetta námskeið eitt og sér en til að fá heildstæðan grunn mælum við með því að taka líka upprifjunardag í leit og björgun
Leiðbeinendur eru alþjóðlega vottaðir fjallaleiðsögumenn IFMGA/UIAGM og hafa lokið Level 2 námi hjá Kanadísku snjóflóðasamtökunum CAA.
Nákvæmar upplýsingar
Hér að neðan eru ýtarlegri upplýsingar fyrir ferðina. Ef þú hefur einhverjar spurningar, ekki hika við að hafa samband við okkur.
Hentar öllum. Engin krafa um þekkingu eða reynslu.
Hópnámskeið (4-12 þátttakendur)
9.990 kr. á mann
Það þarf að lágmarki fjóra þátttakendur til að námskeiðið veðri haldið.
Fyrir sérbókanir eða hópabókanir á öðrum dagsetningum vinsamlegast hafið samband.
Þetta námskeið fer yfir eftirfarandi þætti í formi fyrirlesturs og umræðu innan hópsins.
Fyrirlesturinn inniheldur:
Fyrirlesturinn er haldin á skrifstofu Asgard að Dugguvogi 42. Inngangurinn er við fjær enda húsins, við Sæbrautina, önnur hæð.
Námskeiðið hefst kl 17.00
Tæki og tól til að skrifa glósur.
Hvað er innifalið
- Fyrilestur um snjóflóðalandslag
- Prentað efni
Hvað er ekki innifalið
- Akstur á staðinn
Ertu með einhverjar spurningar?
Hér að neðan eru svör við algengum spurningum varðandi ferðina. Ef þú finnur ekki svarið, ekki hika við að hafa samband við okkur.
Do I need any prior experience to participate in your tours?
Since all of our tours are private we are able to adjust the difficulty and and experience level needed for each tour. However, for some of your tours it is advisable that you have have some background in the activity:
Glacier hiking and glacier ice climbing
There is no prior experience needed for those toursWaterfall ice climbing
It is possible to try waterfall ice climbing if you do not have any prior ice climbing experience. We would choose an easy climbing route with easy access. If you have never done ice climbing before it is worth looking into our Ice climbing and glacier hiking tour on Sólheimajökull.Ski touring
For our ski touring tours you have to be a competent off-piste skier and able to ski down in various conditions.Rock and alpine climbing
No prior experience is needed for single pitch rock climbing. For multi pitch climbing it is advisable that your climbing level is at 5.7-5.8 and you have to know how to belay a lead climber. -
Can I request a tour that is not on your website?
Yes, without a doubt. Private guiding is what Asgard is all about and if you can dream your adventure, we can make it happen. If you do not find your perfect adventure on our website, do not hesitate to get in touch at [email protected]!
Examples of private tours we have done in the past:
- Expedition planning and support
- Cross country ski touring
- Expedition and polar training
- Private hiking, day tours and multi-day tours
- Location management and safety on film projects
- Private tours for photographers
- Alpine trekking on glaciated summits
- Multiday tours in Greenland
Do you offer pickup service?
In general we only meet our guests on location, or car pool from a central location in Reykjvaík. However, if you do not have your own car and can not meet us on location please get in touch.
What happens to my booking if the weather or conditions are bad?
In case it is not possible to operate the tour due to weather or conditions we try the following things:
Move the tour to a different date if that works for you, change to a different activity if you agree on that. If none of the above is possible and we have to cancel the tour due to weather or poor conditions, we will refund you the tour.
In how much advance should I book my tour with you?
The short answer is: the longer the better. We have limited resources of guides and sometimes we are fully booked.
For less technical tours like Glacier hiking, Glacier hiking and ice climbing, and alpine trekking tours we can usually accommodate you with a short notice. For more technical tours like Waterfall ice climbing, Rock climbing and alpine tours longer advance is better to secure a spot.
Short notice can be 24 hours before departure and longer notice is at least two weeks before. -
What is the best season for the activities you offer?
The best season depends on what activity you choose. The appropriate season is stated at the top of each tour. To break it down:
Glacier hikes and glacier ice climbing
Available the whole year. This activity is not dependant on weather or conditions. The only time we have to cancel or post pone these activities is when the weather is really bad.Rock climbing and alpine rock climbing
Rock climbing is a summer activity available May-October. This activity is highly weather dependant and not possible when the rock is wet or when it is raining. If you are interested in rock climbing outside of the season, it is possible if we have really good weather days. Please contact us for further information.Ski touring
The best ski touring in the south-west part of Iceland is usually around spring time. The ski touring season is usually between Feb-May, however it is possible to ski outside the season if conditions are good or we ski the glaciers like on the tour “Ski touring Snæfellsjökull”. If you are interested to ski outside of the season please contact us for further information.Waterfall ice climbing and alpine winter climbing
The main season is from late November to late March. Iceland has a maritime climate and temperatures fluctuate through out the season making this activity highly subject to weather and conditions. In case we have poor conditions for ice climbing we can always substitute the waterfall ice climbing with ice climbing on the glacier.Alpine trekking
Snæfellsjökull can be climbed almost the whole year, appart from the darkest month of the year, December.
Other bigger mountains like Eyjafjallajökull and Hvannadalshnúkur, the highest summit of Iceland, have the best conditions from early spring to late summer.